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Gran Turismo 7 – New Details Revealed

Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi has revealed some interesting details regarding the future of the Gran Turismo franchise.

Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi was on site at the Goodwood Festival of Speed last weekend, revealing some interesting details regarding the future of the Gran Turismo franchise.

According to Kaz, Polyphony Digital will break their usual release cycle with Gran Turismo 7 as the Playstation 4 will get a fully-fledged GT title right away with no Prologue version in between.

Both Gran Turismo 4 on the Playstation 2 and Gran Turismo 5 on the Playstation 3 were preceded by content-limited Prologue versions, a concept that seems to have been dropped for the Playstation 4 release.

While Gran Turismo 7 will be a full GT title, the new version will most likely retain many of the standard car models that date back all the way to Gran Turismo 4 for the Playstaton 2, according to Yamauchi:

???I doubt that we???ll be throwing away the standard cars,??? said Yamauchi. ???Each car has its own fans. So I think we???ll hang on to the archive. In the meanwhile, some of those cars we may be able to make into Premium cars as they become available ??? but basically we???re more focussed on increasing the number of premium cars.???

This decision is remarkable, considering that some of the assets that are being carried over are more than ten years old by the time Gran Turismo 7 will be released.

An area were Gran Turismo needs to make improvements is sounds as Polyphony Digital is planning a complete overhaul of the audio side. Gran Turismo 7 will be coming to the Playstation 4 and according to Yamauchi, a release in 2014 is not likely.

Via Eurogamer

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