Today was pretty much a not existent news day so I decided to tweak the site a bit. Ever since I included the Image Drop, I was rather unhappy with the messy look of the form in the header. That and the packed-looking sidebar motivated me to include a navigation bar at the top, giving the header a much cleaner look. The changes in detail:
1) The Image Drop is now on a separate page, everything works as it did before
2)? The site has an all-new search page, coming with lots of options to make your desired content easier to find
3) The archives section lists all items in chronological order, making it easier to access older postings.
4) Every now and then, users tip me off on new stories/mods/developments via the contact form. This inspired me to include a “Report News” feature so if you have seen/made something you want to share with all readers, this is the way to do it!
5) Another new feature are the email updates. You don’t like RSS-Feeds and want to be informed nevertheless? The email service is for you, dropping daily simracing updates in your inbox. This service is powered by Feedburner and guaranteed spam-free!
The last slight change includes the site’s name. Since my focus is not much on my own screenshots anymore, I decided to change it to something more appropriate.
Thad’s it, thanks for reading all this if you made it this far ???? I hope you like the changes because I did them with you (the reader) in mind, making the site look cleaner and stuff easier to find. If you spot any errors, please let me know.