I´ve got the chance to play with an iPod Touch today (sadly not mine…yet), Apple’s newest-generation MP3 player. The Touch is pretty much a simplified version of the famous iPhone, lacking not much but the phone features. It does have Wi-Fi and Apple’s Safari browser though, making it a neat little tool to surf with.
While Internet on phones and other small gadgets has been quite a turnoff so far, surfing on the iPod/Phone is quite enjoyable. Of course I couldn’t resist to try and surf up this very blog. And what should I say? To my surprise, everything looked and worked right and flawless – Without doing anything to archieve it, I am happy to announce that VirtualR.net is fully Safari-compatible 😀
So all of you iPod/Phone users out there can check out the latest news and screenshots while being on the road….WiFi connection needed of course 😉