As the month (and the year) ends, I was strolling through my visitor statistics and thought I share some of these numbers with you. Roughly 60.000 people visited the site in the past 4 weeks, reading an average of four items and spending an average of 4 minutes each visit. Even crazier, the blog (mostly the screenshots) used up 1,3 terabytes by getting viewed, linked in forums and such ????
There is also a growing amount of people subscribed to the RSS feed – Thanks for that ???? Those who wonder how to get the feed (and be automatically updated about everything that goes on), you can get it by clicking the orange logo on the lower right side. Feedburner will take you through the process of adding the feed to your favorite program or site.
I??ve noticed that my stories are linked a lot – thanks again! One of the first things i??ll be doing in 2008 is adding a full blown link page to the blog. Those of you who linked me should send me a shout to [email protected] or use the comment feature so I can make sure to link everybody back ????
Thats it, thanks for reading all this, have a lovely new year’s day, see you all in 2008 which will hopefully bring us lots of great mods, tracks and races ????