- 100% Independent Sim Racing News

New Beginning – Old Management

As you may have noticed during the past week, VirtualR is operational again, run by myself, Montoya, the site’s original founder and, for most of the past 13 years, sole editor. I encountered a serious...

A Fresh Look for A Fresh Start

Providing virtual racing news for 10 years running, VirtualR is back with a major overhaul.

Justin Wilson 1978 – 2015

Veteran Indycar racer Justin Wilson has passed away following a crash at Sunday's Indycar race at Pocono.


Firefox Security Warning

Firefox Security Warning

Users of Firefox 3 might be getting a security warning when visiting this site due to be what seems to be a hickup between Google and my hoster. The message falsely claims that it would be unsafe to visit VirtualR due...

Download Section Improved

Download Section Improved

I??ve finally found time to improve the single most popular page of this blog – The “Latest Downloads” page. Even though it’s nothing more but a list of postings that contain download links, the...

2008 – A Year In Sim Racing

2008 – A Year In Sim Racing

As 2008 is in its closing stages, it’s time to take a short look back at what this year brought the sim racing community. It’s safe to say that 2008 was a good year for virtual racing as our favorite hobby provided to be alive and well.
Especially the modding community can take lots of respect for making 2008 a great year for sim racers. Many long-awaited mods like CTDP’s F1 2006 or the Historic Touring Car & GT mod? for rFactor saw the light of day and took the community by storm. Aside from rFactor, the modding scene proved to be healthy too as great mods like the World Super GT mod for GTR2 helped to bring much focus to Simbin simulations.
Speaking of Simbin, the Swedish developers granted a big wish of many sim racers this year by bringing us GTR Evolution and the first professionally-made N??rburgring Nordschleife for the PC since GP Legends. GTR Evolution has also attracted some modding attention as countless cars have already been painted and many mods are currently being converted to Simbin’s newest product.
But modding wasn’t just about adding cars and tracks these year as clever modders proved that every aspect of the simulations can be improved. The HDR plugin and 6e66o’s new cubemaps are two examples how clever tweaks can improve the experience for everyone.
Outside of the popular gMotor-based simulations, the launch of iRacing has added some fresh blood to the community. Although controversial discussed, the online-simulation has helped bringing high-profile media attention and known drivers to sim racing. Furthermore, Simbin launched the V-WTCC which gave sim racers a professional base to compete against each other in a tournament that was even featured on Eurosport TV.
Keeping all this exciting stuff in mind, the question is will 2009 be equally good in terms of sim racing? Even though nobody knows what will happen in the next 12 months, some very interesting things are lining up as countless new mods & tracks are due to be released. Furthermore, Simbin has another PC title for us and quite some people predict that rFactor 2 isn’t as far away as many of you might think.
Whatever happens, you??ll find it all on VirtualR. Even though it has been stressful at times, I very much enjoyed covering all events in the past 12 months for you. Thanks a bunch to everyone out there, especially those of you who supported VirtualR one way or another.
Have a pleasant 2009 – Keep On Sim Racing!

Categories Revised

Categories Revised

Yesterday’s iRacing discussion gave me the motivation to finally revise the site’s category system, and the “Other Sim Racing” category in particular. Originally meant to host stories on not...

Just One Of These Days……

Just One Of These Days……

My apologies for the complete lack of updates in the past 30 hours. It wasn’t that nothing newsworthy happened in this community of ours but yesterday was just a day to quickly forget. Turning on your 3 months old...

Where are all the Comments Gone?

Where are all the Comments Gone?

Just like Paula Cole was wondering “Where are all the Cowboys gone?”, I find myself asking the same about the comment frequency on VirtualR. Due to quite popular request, I decided to turn off anonymous...

Anonymous Comments To be Disabled

Anonymous Comments To be Disabled

Following a lot of request, I??ve decided to disable the anonymous posting of comments on VirtualR. In the past months, this blog has not just turned out to be a busy news source but also a place of communication for the community. I??m very happy to see people help each other and have healthy discussions around here.
Sadly, a few users are hiding behind anonymity to post insults or wind up other people, especially in “hot-topics” involving arguments between different mod groups and such. Since these few started to spoil it for everyone, I??ve decided to shut down the anonymous posting on Sunday evening.
In order to keep on commenting, you??ll have to sign-up to VirtualR. Registration will take less than 10 seconds, you will not have to give away any personal data and will never receive any unwanted e-mails or anything else. I realise that this is no perfect protection against “trolls”, but it makes it much easier to ban people that try to stir up trouble.
I really hope that this will not hurt the comment-frequency around here as I very much enjoy every single comment. Hopefully, this will even improve the disscusion-quality? as nobody will be hiding behind anonymity. Let me know what you think of this change, anonymous comments will be active for another 24 hours. You can already register to VirtualR to have your account ready if you wish:
Click Here to Register to

VirtualR News for Your Website

VirtualR News for Your Website

In the past days, I??ve received several mails from website/league owners asking for permission to include my RSS feed on their website. I figured it would be a good idea to let everybody know that they??re absolutely...

Database Problems Fixed

Database Problems Fixed

Appologies to those of you who got a “database connection” error while visiting the site during the past 36hrs, there have been slight problems with the database caused by things beyond my control. The...

Screenshots – Eifel Grand Prix Revival

Screenshots – Eifel Grand Prix Revival

Even though the surroundings of the N??rburgring Grand Prix Circuit have been turned into one big construction site, racing on Germany’s most famous track continues. The Eifel Grand Prix Revival saw a pack of...

One Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary

Precisely one year ago, I started VirtualR with this harmless little posting. Started out of boredom, this site did offer nothing but a few edited screenshots of mine until late November 2007.
Without having any particular goal, I started posting news on rFactor and GTR2 mods. Suddenly the site started to get popular, gaining more and more readers. By the end of December, VirtualR had an average of 800 readers a day. These days, some days attract ten times as much.
Times have changed and so did the workload the site is creating. In the beginning, I posted something every other day. Today, the site is updated several times a day and I spend a big portion of my day digging for news, replying to emails and posting stuff.
VirtualR has become a very important part of my life and I hope it’s a helpful asset to the community. I have no idea what the future will bring sim racing, who know’s which way our community is heading… but one thing is certain: VirtualR is here to stay!
This is also the time to look back and thank those people that helped me along the way. It’s impossible to list everybody who tipped me off on news, wrote comments or helped promoting the site….? Thanks a lot – You know who you are!
My thanks for giving me advice and supporting VirtualR in one way or another goes out (in no particular order) to all the guys at RaceSimCentral, NoGrip Racing,, the folks at Simbin & ISI , erale, 6e66o, Wix, CTDP, F1Racer, stabiz, RMi, Alex Martini and AutoSimSport, Maggi, ermax18, Trebor901, Paul Kelly, Simon, and of course Biek for just reminding me about the anniversary ????

Screenshots – Vintage Mount Panorama

Screenshots – Vintage Mount Panorama

The Mount Panorama Raceway at Bathurst is one of the most stunning race tracks in the world. What makes Australias most exciting track even better? A full field of historic cars racing on it. Enjoy the shots!

Screenshots – Abarths Kiwi-Style

Screenshots – Abarths Kiwi-Style

Manfeild Park in New Zealand was the scene of the latest meeting of Abarth TCR owners. Of course, they did not stop at just meeting but took their babies to the track for some good Italian tin-top racing action. Enjoy...