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Anonymous Comments To be Disabled

Anonymous Comments To be Disabled

Following a lot of request, I´ve decided to disable the anonymous posting of comments on VirtualR. In the past months, this blog has not just turned out to be a busy news source but also a place of communication for the community. I´m very happy to see people help each other and have healthy discussions around here.

Sadly, a few users are hiding behind anonymity to post insults or wind up other people, especially in “hot-topics” involving arguments between different mod groups and such. Since these few started to spoil it for everyone, I´ve decided to shut down the anonymous posting on Sunday evening.

In order to keep on commenting, you´ll have to sign-up to VirtualR. Registration will take less than 10 seconds, you will not have to give away any personal data and will never receive any unwanted e-mails or anything else. I realise that this is no perfect protection against “trolls”, but it makes it much easier to ban people that try to stir up trouble.

I really hope that this will not hurt the comment-frequency around here as I very much enjoy every single comment. Hopefully, this will even improve the disscusion-quality as nobody will be hiding behind anonymity. Let me know what you think of this change, anonymous comments will be active for another 24 hours. You can already register to VirtualR to have your account ready if you wish:

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