- 100% Independent Sim Racing News
One Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary

Precisely one year ago, I started VirtualR with this harmless little posting. Started out of boredom, this site did offer nothing but a few edited screenshots of mine until late November 2007.

Without having any particular goal, I started posting news on rFactor and GTR2 mods. Suddenly the site started to get popular, gaining more and more readers. By the end of December, VirtualR had an average of 800 readers a day. These days, some days attract ten times as much.

Times have changed and so did the workload the site is creating. In the beginning, I posted something every other day. Today, the site is updated several times a day and I spend a big portion of my day digging for news, replying to emails and posting stuff.

VirtualR has become a very important part of my life and I hope it’s a helpful asset to the community. I have no idea what the future will bring sim racing, who know’s which way our community is heading… but one thing is certain: VirtualR is here to stay!

This is also the time to look back and thank those people that helped me along the way. It’s impossible to list everybody who tipped me off on news, wrote comments or helped promoting the site….? Thanks a lot – You know who you are!

My thanks for giving me advice and supporting VirtualR in one way or another goes out (in no particular order) to all the guys at RaceSimCentral, NoGrip Racing,, the folks at Simbin & ISI , erale, 6e66o, Wix, CTDP, F1Racer, stabiz, RMi, Alex Martini and AutoSimSport, Maggi, ermax18, Trebor901, Paul Kelly, Simon, and of course Biek for just reminding me about the anniversary ????

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