The Simbin Development Team maintains close ties to the sim racing community and as such, the Swedish developer is very much aware of the rush to convert content from their latest GTR Evolution simulation to other titles.
Among other news, Simbin has sent out an email with their stand on modding and conversions to various sites including this one. Allow me to share the most important paragraphs with you:
In the past SimBin have applauded serious modding groups and have even employed the help of some as well as recruit new employees from the groups of talented individuals. We have every intention of supporting quality mods, customs skins and all the other changes that make our games come alive with the help of dedicated modding communities across the globe. GTR Evolution underlines this statement by being relatively easy to add new and unique content for.
But??? SimBin can no longer afford pouring funds into creating unique quality content for competing titles. Lately the mutual respect that used to exist seems to have vanished and now straight conversions between competing titles are done in a matter of minutes after we release a new game. Our N??rburgring and Macau are prime examples. Unless something is done to stop this we will no longer be able to afford creating quality content and with 10Tacle fresh in memory I think it is clear that some individuals in the simracing community are effectively ruining it for everyone by their actions and that there will be no more new titles unless this behavior is stopped.
Straight conversions require little skill, no imagination and it is nothing but petty theft. True mod making is the addition of NEW, fresh and unique content to a title??? not stealing content for use elsewhere. I hope all of you will consider this and take matters into your own hands by not allowing these conversions in your own community.
This is a wake-up call. Things must change now if SimBin are to deliver any new titles on PC, and the change can only start with you dedicated simracers saying ???enough??? !
If you have ideas on how to change the way things are at the moment or what can be done to ensure a more ???fair??? way of modding in the future then let us know, we are interested in solutions much more than in assigning blame. The alternatives are either lawsuits which we really don???t want to resort to, moving all developments to consoles where things are not stolen, or you guys taking up the challenge and create an environment in YOUR community where conversions are not accepted. If you agree with our stance in this, then let your concern be heard in those forums and gathering points where piracy seems to be an accepted standard.
We hope you can make a difference in the battle against theft and piracy while allowing the true modders to create their works of art adding to the fun and enjoyment of everyone.
This statement really shows Simbin’s respect for the community as other companies would have resort to more drastic measures without any further notice. I completely agree on their points and have chosen to define a ground rule for myself. will not be endorsing, promoting or linking any straight GTR Evolution conversions that come without any form of protection that ensures they will only be used by GTR Evolution owners (i. e. CD-Check).
I hope that most of you agree on this decision, as usual the comments are the place to voice your opinion.