Just a quick warning, the site will be down for several hours late this night as VirtualR is moving to a whole new server with twice as much CPU power & Ram to cope with the rising demand.
Aside from moving all the data, the site will also receive a major software & database update that will improve the site’s performance and stability. Due to the fact that these are major changes, it will take me a while to check everything and make sure everything works as it should. Don’t worry, the site design or functionality won’t change a bit, all of these updates will be happening behind the scenes.
I apologise for the inconvenience, this should be the first and last downtime for months to come. If you??re interested in status updates, make sure to follow the Twitter feed as I??ll be keeping my followers up to date on the progress in the coming hours.
By the way, the setup fee for the new server has almost completely been paid by many of you who have already donated – Thanks for that! If you wish to donate too, you can do so here.
Update: It’s done! The move is complete, everything should be working just fine by what I can tell. With the exception of the Archive listing, all features are up and running, the Archive site will be fixed in the coming hours.
If you spot any bugs or problems, please report them in the comments below. Enjoy the new server folks!