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Project CARS – 3.0 Patch Performance Comparison

MotoGamesTV continues to examine Project CARS’ recently-released major 3.0 patch with another comparison video.

MotoGamesTV continues to examine Project CARS’ recently-released major 3.0 patch with another comparison video.

Yesterday, a comparison video showed off the improved rain effects introduced by the patch. Now, a new video shows a performance comparison with version 2.5 as the new eye candy has not just not resulted in an FPS drop but rather a quite significant performance improvement across the board.

Version 3.0 of Project CARS introduced plenty of improvements & brand new features such as Multiplayer Spectate Mode, a much-enhanced track cut detection system, enhanced replay system and more.

Furthermore, the new version also introduced improved Force Feedback calibration screens, new friends leaderboards. More details on Project CARS??? 3.0 patch are available??here.

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