- 100% Independent Sim Racing News – Introducing the Leica ScanStation C10 has released a new video, introducing us to their brand new laser-scanning hardware: The
Leica ScanStation C10. has released a new video, introducing us to their brand new laser-scanning hardware: The
Leica ScanStation C10.

iRacing has pioneered the use of laser-scanning in sim racing as back when first versions of their online-racing service were released, iRacing was the only title to offer laser-scanned race tracks, a technology that has since then widely spread in simulation development.

You can check out the new gear in the video below as iRacing’s Associate Producer Kevin Iannarelli and Vice President of Art & Production Greg Hill discuss the details.

iRacing’s brand new toy will first be used on the creation of the Toyota Tundra & Chevy Silverado NASCAR trucks.

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