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Zakspeed Escort MK2 GR.5 DRM 0.2 for AC – Released

Sovers has released an early version of his Zakspeed Escort MK2 GR.5 DRM mod for Assetto Corsa.

Sovers has released an early version of??his??Zakspeed Escort MK2 GR.5 DRM mod for Assetto Corsa.

The Escort MK2 was one of the most iconic cars of Germany’s hugely-poplar Deutsche Rennsport Meisterschaft series that was one of the strongest national racing championships in the 70s and the early 80s.

The 0.2 version comes with no LODs and placeholder sounds as Sovers lets everyone give this early version a try while he’s busy further improving the car.

[boxdownload]Download Zakspeed Escort MK2 GR.5 DRM 0.2 for Assetto Corsa Here[/boxdownload]

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