A little more than a year ago, I´ve launched the VirtualR Twitter feed. Since then, 493 followers have joined VirtualR on Twitter, a pretty respectable number that can surely be improved.
To give you guys more incentive to follow the feed, I´ll be doing some changes to the Twitter content in the coming days. Until now, the Twitter feed was solely used to announce new articles, making it pretty much pointless to follow for those already subscribed to the RSS feed.
That’s why I´ll be adding some new stuff on Twitter from now on, including little news snippets than don’t warrant their own stories, some background info on what’s going on behind the scenes of VirtualR and stuff like that. Furthermore, I´m looking forward to do some more communicating via Twitter, so you can use @VirtualRnet if you want to get in touch with me, submit an interesting link or anything else 😀
In related news, I´m sure some of you have been getting occasional server errors during the past few days. The ever-rising demand on sim racing news has once again outgrown the current server , a major hardware & software upgrade behind the scenes of the site will be coming up in less than two weeks time – I´ll post some details when the time has come, please excuse little glitches until then.