Alex Sawczuk has released his Vanport Raceway for rFactor, bringing one of his most popular rFactor tracks to Reiza Studios’ recently-released simulation.
Vanport (better known as Portland Raceway, a former CART & ALMS venue) was created by Alex back in 2007, years before he started to be responsible for Game Stock Car???s excellent tracks.
The track has not just been converted as it comes with new textures, shaders & trackside details as well as a new summer-atmosphere.
– Converted to Game Stock Car from my original rFactor release
– Overhauled road and terrain shaders and textures
– Updated Buildings to GSC Shaders and added ambient occlusion
– Updated to GSC AdPack format
– Added many generic tsos from GSC including Trucks, Vans, Cars, Ambulances, Pit Stands, Flags, Baloons, Helicopter and Marshalls
– New Video for TV Screens in game
– General Atmosphere of Circuit updated to how it was in the Summer of 2009 when I visited the circuit.
– New AI Paths suited to GSC cars.
Following this release, Alex will be bringing two of his other rFactor racks to Game Stock Car, albeit with less improvements.