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Toyota AE86 Club v0.431 for rFactor 2 – Released

If you’re one of VirtualR’s veteran readers, the AE86 Club mod for rFactor will surely ring a bell as gonzo-kool brought Toyota’s popular AE86 touring car to rFactor all the way back in… *checks notes*..2009.

11 years later, the legendary AE86 has made the jump to rFactor 2 as a first version of the mod for rF2 has been released, including two different variations of the car and a full field of liveries to race with.

Known Issues

-Apply IBL / PBR shader to WCCARBODY only. Not applied to WC EXTRA.
-Collision detection is not perfect. Be careful of bumpers to bumpers.
-Force feedback is light.
Will correct it as soon as we know the diameter and thickness of the steering shaft.
-No Driver animation.
-No Wiper animation.
-No Windscreen rain effect.
-Selecting a wet tire does not change the tire tread texture.
-UI icons have not been implemented yet.

Back in the 80s, the rear-wheel driven Corolla Levin was a very popular choice for Group N touring car racing. The car is still one of the most popular racing cars in Japan and can still be found in competition today

Download AE86 Club v0.431 for rFactor 2 Here

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