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Thrustmaster T500 RS – PC Drivers Released

Thrustmaster T500 RS – PC Drivers Released

Thrustmaster has released the PC drivers for their recently-launched T500 RS steering wheel, ending the high-end wheel’s short confinement to the Playstation 3.

The PC drivers are available both as 32bit & 64bit version, detailed installation instructions can be found at the download location linked below.

Furthermore, below is a video showing the brand new wheel in action with rFactor. VirtualR will be having an in-depth review of the feature-rich wheel shortly so stay tuned for more on the T500 RS!

The T500 RS is Thrustmaster???s new upper-market wheel featuring 1080 degrees of steering, double-belt driven Force Feedback and a seven-kilo pedal unit that can be used both standing and inverted for hanging pedals. The T500 RS sells for 499??? in Europe and $599 in the United States.

Download Thrustmaster T500 RS Wheel PC Drivers Here

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