Thrustmaster kindly provided VirtualR with an example of their upcoming Ferrari Formula One wheel rim for the T500 RS and since there’s not too much photos of the rim available yet, I??ve decided to share a few hands-on photos of the impressive unit below.
As you can see, the big Ferrari button in the middle and the rotary switches surrounding it are not functional as it was hinted by the button layout images. The wheel does come with two working rotary encoders at the top though (labeled DIF IN & CHRG), the full list of features can be found here.
A full review of the rim will be available in due time, until then you can enjoy the high-resolution photos below.
The Ferrari Formula One rim will be available both as add-on for the T500 RS starting September 30 and selling for 149???. In late October, the ???Integral??? edition with wheel base and pedals will be available as well, it has not been confirmed whether Thrustmaster will also be offering the current T500 RS GT wheel as add-on option for the Integral buyers.