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The V-WTCC Website Opens

The V-WTCC Website Opens

Simbin has opened the official V-WTCC website today, launching the Virtual World Championship by Simbin and Eurosport.

On the website, interested racers can find all informations needed to participate in V-WTCC as well an official forum and other stuff. The V-WTCC is a virtual racing championship based on Simbin’s RACE07. Drivers compete both online and on-site at real life WTCC races, the league will also be featured in Eurosport’s youth-oriented “Buzz” programme.

Signing up for the V-WTCC is easy and can be done from the main menu of your RACE07 simulation. The good news is that you don’t even need the full version game to compete as demo users can also take part in the competition. The best demo drivers will be rewarded with a full version of RACE07 and will compete with all other drivers for the championship crown.

The official V-WTCC competition flowchart shows how the system works. Interested? Then fire up yor RACE07 or the demo and sign up!

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