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Team ARC – FANA-E Mod Unveiled

Team ARC – FANA-E Mod Unveiled

The ARC Team, creators of many impressive steering wheels and mods for Logitech’s G25 & G27, have unveiled a new product – The FANA-E mod for Fanatec’s Porsche 911 GT3-RS wheel.

Much like their Force-Feedback mod for the Logitech G25, the mod tweaks Fanatec’s flagship wheel to offer even more precise and stronger Force-Feedback effects. The mod includes a new power supply, modification of the wheel’s electronics as well as new fans to cool the wheel’s components.

The mod is only available for existing Porsche 911 GT3-RS owners who send their wheel to the ARC Team to have it modified, contact Ricardo for further info. Below are two photos of the enhanced wheels, most noticeable is the additional fan on the wheel’s base cover.

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