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TCL Touring Masters 2.5 – Released

TCL Touring Masters 2.5 – Released

Ryan Callan has released a new version of his TCL Touring Masters mod for rFactor, further progressing with the overhaul that makes Team TCL’s excellent Touring Car Legends mod fit for league usage.

Ryan has majorly overhauled the massive mod to allow close and balanced races by removing several car models and balancing the 11 chosen ones.

The massive size of the original mod has been drastically reduced by only including eight skins per car, other features such as brand new sounds have been added.


Adjusted tyre physics (small changes may follow after further testing)
Removed Holden VK
Added Holden VL TWR
New sounds for Holden
New sounds for Alfa
New external sounds for M3
New internal sounds for Merc
Added and refined skin choice to all cars
Adjusted 635, Rover and Volvo weights slightly
Minor graphical tweaks
Increased Supra and TWR drag, decreased Sierra, M3, Merc
Increased Skyline brake performance slightly
Increased slipstream effect slightly

While this sounds sweet, there’s a slight challenge involved to download this mod. Due to licensing issues, the release is password protected and only shared among members of So if you want to give Ryan’s impressive work a try, you´ll have to become a licensed member on their forum (which is of course free). And while you´re there, check out some of the great online racing these guys are organising day in and day out.

Download TCL Touring Masters 2.5 Mod Here (Password protected, please read above)

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