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Targa Florio for rFactor 2 – Alpha Version Released

kuato has released an alpha-version of the legendary Targa Florio for rFactor 2.

kuato has released an alpha-version of the legendary Targa Florio for rFactor 2.

kuato’s conversion is based on the rFactor release by the ??Targa Florio Conversion Team which was a heavily-reworked conversion of the original creation for Grand Prix Legends.

The track is available as playable version, as ModDev version and in pure Maxfiles for those who want to contribute to the alpha version and improve it further.

Located on the Italian Island of Sicily, the 72 kilometer track is one of the most epic motorsport race tracks ever used. As safety concerns became an influence in international motorsports, the Targa Florio sports car race lost its world championship status and is still run as an Italian rallye today.

[boxdownload]Download Targa Florio for rFactor 2 Alpha Packaged Version Here[/boxdownload] [boxdownload]Download Targa Florio for rFactor 2 Alpha ModDev Version Here[/boxdownload] [boxdownload]Download Targa Florio for rFactor 2 Alpha MaxFiles Here[/boxdownload]

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