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Steel Series SRW-S1 – Photos & Videos

Steel Series has released plenty of info on their new SRW-S1 “wheel” controller that has been developed in co-operation with SimRaceWay.

Steel Series has released plenty of info on their new SRW-S1 “wheel” controller that has been developed in co-operation with SimRaceWay.

The SRW-S1 is a crossover between gamepad and steering wheel, giving players better control over braking, throttle and steering than using a keyboard or gamepad while not coming with the confines of a full wheel set up.

The cable-bound controller is shaped like a wheel and comes with rubber hand grips and plenty of buttons and dials as well as a LCD rev-meter. Needless to say, the controller does not offer any kind of Force Feedback but might be an interesting alternative for those who want to race in an environment that forbids real sim gear to be used (offices etc.).

Steel Series promises compatibility with all major PC titles and real plug & play without configuration hassle. Right now, the SRW-S1 is only available in the United States, selling for ??119.99.

Below are a bunch of pictures and two videos to check out the unit in action with Project CARS and SimRaceWay Online.

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