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STCC The Game 2 Announced

STCC The Game 2 Announced

Two weeks ago, Simbin announced that paid expansion packs would soon be coming to the RACE07 platform and the first one has now been revealed to be STCC – The Game 2.

The announcement solves the STCC The Game 2 cover mystery that I reported on back in November, the pack will be bringing the 2010 Swedish Touring Car Championship & the Scandinavian Touring Car Cup plus six tracks to RACE07.

Included in the pack are 18 cars with 45 liveries, including five all-new car models that have not been included in any Simbin title before. While some of the car models can already be found in the first STCC title, the Opel Astra, VW Sicrocco, Chevrolet Cruze, Toyota Corolla and the new Chevrolet Camaro Cup car are brand new additions to the simulation.

Also included are six tracks, five of which STCC The Game owners already know plus the brand new Danish Jyllandsringen. STCC – The Game 2 will be available later this month, selling for 9,99??? on Steam and??

You can check out a video trailer of the new content below, RACE07 owners will also be treated to some free new content as Simbin will be releasing the Formula RaceRoom car + Hockenheim tomorrow.

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