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STCC Game – Steam Release Info

STCC Game – Steam Release Info

Even though Simbin has already stated that STCC – The game will be released world-wide by using Steam, RSC-member Gopher04 has received the following info from Simbin regarding the game’s release:

STCC will be available on Steam, but for the boxed edition you will most likely need to import from Sweden.

As far as I know GTR Evo and STCC will live nicely side by side allowing you to use STCC specific cars on e.g. N??rburgring or take the Koenigsegg on to the technical Swedish tracks??? but precisely how it will work with steam / non-steam together versions I honestly can???t say.

That confirms that only a very few of us will be able to get their hands on a boxed version of the game but almost everybody should be able to get the game via Steam. We also have confirmation that the addon-version should work along with GTR Evolution, the Swedish tracks will be a very valuable addition to the simulations’s rich choice of tracks.

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