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SRT – Thrustmaster T500RS Unboxing & First Look

SRT – Thrustmaster T500RS Unboxing & First Look

Darin & Shaun & Jessica of have gotten their hands on  the much-anticipated Thrustmaster T500RS wheel.

The video below shows the unboxing of both the wheel and the pedal unit as well as a first test drive in Gran Turismo 5. As rumored before, the wheel does only work on the Playstation 3 platform so far as PC drivers are still in the works. The only fully-supported PS3 title is Gran Turismo 5 as other titles still lack force feedback support even though the wheel will go on sale in just two days.

The T500RS is Thrustmaster’s new upper-market wheel featuring 1080 degrees of sterring, double-belt driven Force Feedback and a seven-kilo pedal unit that can be used both standing and inverted for hanging pedals. The T500RS sells for 499€ in Europe and $599 in the United States.

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