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SimCraft Introduces STAR Development Kit

SimCraft Introduces STAR Development Kit

In January, I posted a first item about SimCraft’s APEX SC830 motion simulator that offers three degrees of movement for a realistic racing experience.

Since the retail price starts at $24,995, the simulator is pretty much out of reach even for enthusiastic sim racers. Now, SimCraft has introduced their STAR Motion Simulator Development Kit that brings the technology behind the SC830 to any self-built racing simulator.

STAR starts at $2,995 and includes all technology needed to turn self-bult simulators into a full motion simulator, SimCraft even supplies interested customers with plans how to build their own simulation rig. The motion control software can be integrated in pretty much every sim racing title available, including rFactor, Simbin simulations & iRacing. More information can be found by visiting the STAR homepage.

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