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Silverstone 1987-1990 1.85 – Released

Silverstone 1987-1990 1.85 – Released

7UpJordan has released a new version of his Silverstone 1987-1990 track for rFactor. Made with Bob’s Track Builder, the track lets you relive the old Silverstone, a faster version of today’s British GP venue.


– Caster objects added for objects creating shadows – should improve FPS some more
– Fosters F logo on Hangar Straight bridge on 1990 track moved a little further out to stop flickering on Track Cams
– Grandstands at Woodcote spaced out for realism
– Modified Track cams

Included are four versions of the Grand Prix circuit from 1987 through 1990 as well as five other circuit variants, making it a great playing field for historic F1 mods and Touring Car legends.

Download Silverstone 1987-1990 1.85 Here

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