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Richard Burns Rally – Country Roads Released

Richard Burns Rally – Country Roads Released

Brendon Pywell has released Country Roads for Richard Burns Rally, a 33 kilometer stage to show off the new RBR plugin for Bob’s Track Builder.

The stage has been put together in less than two days, including 25.000 trees and over 100.000 grass objects. Due to the short development time and the fact that this track is considered to be a proof of concept, there are several limitations such as missing pace-notes and restraining walls.

The new RBR plugin for Bob’s Track Builder will be available with version 0.7, more info on the easy-to-use track design tool can be found on the BTB homepage.

Hopefully, this new plugin will result in many addon-stages for Richard Burns Rally, a simulation that is rapidly gaining popularity again following the latest mod releases.

Download Country Roads for Richard Burns Rally Here

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