feels3, creator of many awesome rFactor 2 add-on tracks, has kicked off a very interesting contest, looking for the sim racer who can come up with the best track layout.
You have ideas for an awesome track layout but no clue how to build one for rFactor 2? Then this is your chance, submit your layout to feels3, the most interesting one will be built for rFactor 2.
Contest Rules
– maximum track length : 3 km
– cad drawings and manual paintings are accepted (Autocad files format : 2010 | photo/scan of manual painting )
– your goal is to created only basic layout and elevation changes
– enviroment, buildings,etc. – it will be my job.
– one person = one layout
– deadline: 31 December 2012
– winner announcement: January 2013.
Send your layout to feels3 by mail and if you do, why not share it with everyone in the comments below as well?