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rFactor 2 – Tim Wheatley Progress Blog

rFactor 2 – Tim Wheatley Progress Blog

Image Space Incorporated’s Tim Wheatley has put together a very interesting article in his personal blog, giving us a little insight behind the scenes of rFactor 2’s development.

Most community members will know Tim as he’s in charge of marketing and community relations for ISI and is often answering questions right here in the comments on VirtualR.

His article also includes some interesting news as Tim hints at ISI’s plans to launch rFactor 2 as public beta first, right now the title is in closed beta testing as ISI gets closer to having something ready for the public.

The article also includes some interesting info on ISI’s plans for post-release updates and licensed content:

That???s probably another good point to mention about rF2: There???s nothing short-term in the planning the company has. They intend for this product to get a lot more support than rFactor 1 in terms of updates, new features, new content and access to the team via the forums and Web site. Infact I???ve been responsible for a couple of really juicy pieces of content being licensed that will both be released as addons likely sometime in 2012.

And last but not least, Tim also talks about the much-requested post-processing effects that will soon be revealed to the public.

Next? Well the most recent thing I posted otherwise was that finally, FINALLY, we???re getting some of the graphics effects plugged into the development build of the software. This means that finally,??FINALLY, we???ll be able to put out some shots which are more representative of the looks of rFactor 2. This has probably been one of the hardest things for the community to understand, because most of them have never seen base art from a game before.

For more on rFactor 2, Tim’s experience with working on rFactor 2 and some very true observations, make sure to check out his excellent article here.

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