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rFactor 2 – New Build Out + Honda Coming

Image Space Incorporated has released a new build of their rFactor 2 simulation.

Image Space Incorporated has released a new build of their rFactor 2 simulation.

The build comes with the changes listed below, alongside the new build, ISI has also updated the rFactor 2 demo version to include the Corvette C6.R.

While this will be the last rFactor 2 build to be released in 2013, ISI isn’t completely done with releasing content yet as the Honda Civic BTCC car is due to be released during the holidays, you can check out a preview of it below.

Update 20 (Build 381-unstable, 382-release) Changelog (December 18, 2013):

Improved usage of particle cloud for engine effects

Set steering range in main UI based on currently vehicle (assuming option is set) to reduce confusion.
Switched replay compression to low by default; the PLR file option ???Compress Replay??? now goes from 0-4 rather than 0-1. This takes less than half the time to write out at the end of a session (which is the source of the delay after long sessions), and typically uses only about 5-10% more space. If the delay is still annoying, consider turning off compression completely.
Changed the way tire compounds are reported in the results file.

Fixed bug with non-English translations that prevented switching between full screen showroom and standard showroom.
Fixed the problem where replays would slow down in the middle if they were really long.
Fixed issue with some ???virtual??? vehicles not loading the their skin
Fixed issue where cars in series that don???t allow refueling would not fill up their tanks at the beginning of qualifying with enough fuel to run all the allowed qualifying laps.
Fixed bug with HUDs being broken when playing in a mod with a HUD packaged in it and wanting to use a HUD from a different component.
Fixed other HUDs not showing up in HUD selection gizmo in cases where you currently have a mod selected with it???s own included HUD.
Fixed issue where loose car skins would not reload when hitting the ???reload??? button from the tuning page.
Fixed a crash in Dev Mode from deleting a spinner gizmo & then moving to another page with a spinner.
Fixed ???A.I. cars not in private test day list after creating second test day??? bug.
Fixed bug that prevented latest AI learning mode from working when practice was the only session selected.
Fixed massive frame rate hit on car selection list page.
Fixed trackside camera tracking rate which would act jerky in cases of fluctuating framerate.
minor improvements to AI robustness when dealing with a track with unusual characteristics???.(very long space between waypoints)
Attempted workaround for a problem where people sometimes lose keyboard input due to Windows not sending a message that rF2 has regained focus.
Fixed loose skin bug where identically named skins belonging to different cars all looked the same.
Fixed shadows not displaying properly in replay mode

Camera editor now always shows FOV info for active camera in upper left.

UI / HUD / Options:
Added cockpit and TV overlay gauge for battery level (???BatteryLevelRange???, ???BatteryLevelCenter???, etc.). Actual modeling of battery dynamics remains unimplemented.
Replaced UI option sun occlusion with soft particles
Added soft particles as UI display option
Now able to get true type fonts from UI as well as shared.
OSC gizmo APP_BUTTON_REPLAYCHANGECAMERA can now be used to choose different cameras by setting Caption1 to ???Driving???, ???Onboard???, ???Swingman???, ???Spectator???, or ???Tracking???.
improved track list gizmo to better handle locations that are missing track gdbs.

Added a new prediction algorithm (on by default, but can be turned off with ???New Prediction Algorithm??? in multiplayer.ini if needed); this improves collision response in multiplayer.

Vette 1.43:
– Updated shaders for most materials
– New driver
– Implemented flexible chassis.
– More accurate wheel-rates.
– Reduced brake cooling.
– More accurate brake torque curves, distribution, inertia.
– Minor AI improvements that bring a slightly closer correlation to human physics.
– Centred bonnet cam + 2 ???new??? home key views.
– Longer headlight illumination.
– Better external sound attenuation.
– Suspension is slightly stronger from minor impacts.

Camaro 1.3:
– Fixed carbody reflections
– Updated shaders for most materials
– New driver
– Implemented flexible chassis.
– Longer headlight illumination.
– Centred bonnet cam + 2 ???new??? home key views.

[boxdownload]Download rFactor 2 Build 382 Here[/boxdownload] [boxdownload]Download rFactor?? 2 Demo Version Here[/boxdownload]


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