Image Space Incorporated has released a new build of their rFactor 2 simulation.
The new build brings new versions of all installers across the board, including an updated demo installer that now features the Formula Renault 3.5 Series and the Chevrolet Corvette GT2 at Silverstone.
Furthermore, a new modding SDK has been released that can be grabbed here.
Fixed terrain shader specularity issue.
Fixed wet surface reflections.
Lightened up shadows by artificially boosting ambient light level.
Fix problem seeing steering wheel in rear look under certain conditions.
Some code to help with blurry rims.
Re-recorded commentary with a MASSIVE volume boost (You might want to adjust your settings)
Fixed auto update bug for expired accounts
Fixed a very minor memory leak.
Several minor stability fixes.
Removed requirement for ???_x64??? to be added to 64-bit plugins. It???s no longer a problem because they are in a separate directory. However, it still might be useful to for humans to identify which is which.
Added a new default method for assigning pit/garage spots in multiplayer which keeps them more consistent over a weekend. This new default method can be disabled by changing the multiplayer.json value ???Assign Parking??? to false (at which point it will revert to using the traditional team-based pit/garage assignments).
Fixed issue where driver body sometimes appears while rear-looking.
Minor fixes to prevent crash when exiting from ???rF2 already running??? condition
Fixed random black box that appears when hitting ???`??? key
Dealing with some uninitialized data in old TGMs that is now actually used.
Smoothed out the corner widening associated with rcd parameter UnderSteerEffectOnLineThreshold trigger as well as with rear grip loss. Made the rate of ???corner widening??? relative either to the car???s lateral velocity or lateral position relative to current waypoint direction.
Pace cars now look for a path called ???PACECAR??? to drive, otherwise defaults to fastest path.
Fixed AI tire drag calculation
Slightly better AI bumpstop damping.
Fixed a bug in AI logic that could result in cars taking high speed corners a bit too fast and wide.
New tire contact patch code added. It is backwards-compatible (i.e. existing tires should not change behavior, you would need to do more +ttool analysis in order for new functionality to take effect). There are some minor issues that still need to be ironed out.
Allow replays to run without the correct version of a scene or vehicle, but only after checking for the correct one first.
Lock in demo mod when using creating a new plr file with the +demo CLI parameter set.
Added a new default method for assigning pit/garage spots in multiplayer which keeps them more consistent over a weekend. This new default method can be disabled by changing the multiplayer.json value ???Assign Parking??? to false (at which point it will revert to using the traditional team-based pit/garage assignments).
Added additional options for the RFM variable ???FinishUnderCaution??? to allow the finish to be delayed up to 3x. Previous options were off, 1x, or infinite.
Much behind the scenes work on plugin interface for future interface additions
In the AIW editor, made the Ctrl-Shift(-Alt) keys easier to move the car when paused: 1) it now follows the terrain, and 2) rotating the car with the 4 and 6 numpad keys doesn???t simultaneously rotate the swingman camera.
Modmgr now automatically saves/loads separate profiles for each install.
Added log message and assert if there are no collidable triangles in SCN, which isn???t really handled.
fixes to new pit/garage assignment code
Made new pit/garage assignment work with driver changes (probably needs testing).
dev mode AIW editor fix for moving path on last waypoint of pit lane
TTool: in the Realtime section, removed the somewhat-useless ???Width??? and added the somewhat-useful ???Dynamic Unloaded Radius???.
Fixed a possible game freeze using the AIW editor ???move & Match??? waypoint by waypoint manipulation function.
Moved version numbers for vehicles tree list down to the individual cars instead of the class headers