Image Space Incorporated have released build 134 of their rFactor 2 simulation.
Just two and a half weeks after the release of Build 134, the new release brings plenty of little changes and fixes to the simulation that is currently in open beta status.
Unlike the last release, this one does not come with any new content additions.
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Update 10 (Build 134) Changelog (December 19, 2012):
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Fixed problem on some AMD video cards where black squares would appear if bloom was used.
Fixed problem with reflections offsets for mesh hierarchies.
Fixed flashing shadows.
Now allowing users to run the sim even if below minimum video mem requirements.
Fix in usage of.hdp files for viewer.
Fixed issue where mirrors get corrupted if we either had zero vehicles temporarily or alternately the only vehicle in the session has its graphics reloaded.
Add some better defaults for LDR rendering.
Potential fix for graphics corruption after screen shot.
Re-disabled transparency AA until all mods can be properly updated
Water/oil temps or oil/fuel/boost pressures now using metric units in the INI files in order to match the rest of the simulation.
Fixed “resume from replay” issue where safety car would drive off despite not being active.
Fixed a potential crash in a spinner.
Added info to show in the controller setup that controls for time accel, framerate, and CPU automatically use the Ctrl key.
Halved the size of the pop-up icons (rf logo, Ai control, & plug ins initializing).
Skip recomputation of AIW parameters if nothing changed.
No longer rebuilding collision every single time, which should reduce load times a bit.
Make “none” HDR profile stick between track loads.
Booting Transparent Trainer will no longer crash; however, it will always come right back unless you disable it in the UI.
Fixed problem where dedicated server couldn’t load RealRoad files and forgot the weather settings.
Added an icon that conveys the state of downloaded custom skin for a particular slot. grey = queued, redish purple = downloading, green = successfully downloaded, black = failed download.
Hopefully fixed issue where servers stopped accepting new clients, often after one of those “? is removed” messages.
Use +ui=NONE on the rFactor2 Dedicated.exe to start with no user interface. +ui=CONSOLE for console interface and +ui=WIN32 (default) for Windows interface.
The following command have been added to rFactor2 Dedicated.exe’s console user interface.
:boot <number>
:ban <number>
:move_up <number>
:move_down <number>
Hopefully fixed replay smoke issue, but needs to be tested in multiplayer as well. Changes replay format!
Fixed bug in SampleSM3.gfx which caused viewer to hang on startup.
Fixed a problem with Mas2 stalling when losing focus on Windows XP.
Tidied up some UI bugs in Mas2.
Updated ModMode.exe UI disaply page to match retail exe
Fixed a bug in Max plugins which caused a crash in Win XP
To get access to the the beta, a full retail purchase of rFactor 2 is required. rFactor 2 sells for $43.99, including 18 months of online account membership instead of the 12 months buyers of the final version will receive.
[boxdownload]Download rFactor 2 Build 134 Full Installer Here[/boxdownload] [boxdownload]Download rFactor 2 Build 134 Update Here[/boxdownload]