Image Space Incorporated has released the newest build of their rFactor 2 simulation.
The final release before rFactor 2 heads to Steam, the build comes with plenty of fixes to make rFactor 2 a more solid product.
Build Notes (Update 35, Build 1028):
– Improved detection of controllers by checking device VID and PIDs if it failed by device name (which could happen in some cases – apparently the names are not always consistent for identical devices).
– Removed a couple unused PLR variables.
– Added a new control “Load Vehicles” so you can load the full graphics and sound of temp cars while you are driving down a straight or parked at the side of the road.
– Re-enabled some gizmos for brake wear and temps.
– Defaulting camera zoom in and out to number pad 3 and 1, respectively.
– Now sorting opponent filters alphabetically.
– Added tire wear info to results file. Also, resume-from-replay now restores general tire wear.
– Added HDV variable AIBumpstop in order to control some occasional physics instabilities.
– Pressing Shift with the Increase/Decrease FOV controls will now adjust the seat pitch angle. In turn, that will be stored for the specific vehicle you are using.
– Practice on by default
– Removed tree structure from RFM tree scroll box.
– Moved damage to near the top of the pit menu.
– Added borderless window mode.?? This mode only works at current desktop resolution.
– Added times for sector 1 & 2 from best lap to the plugin scoring data. (Not necessarily the best sector 1 & 2 times, which are already provided.)
– Added cockpit.ini variable “DebrisIndexInCockpit=<x>” which makes instance DEBRIX<x> visible in cockpit view.
– Now keeping the last 25 trace files.
– Added a boundary line between official ISI servers and all others on the multiplayer game list.