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rF_HighVoltage KERS & DRS 1.1 – Released

KIKONI & ACHIM from SimsyncPro have released a new version of rF_HighVoltage.

Eight days ago,??KIKONI & ACHIM from SimsyncPro released rF_HighVoltage, an innovative tool that allows rFactor to simulate KERS & DRS.

Unfortunately, the 1.0 version came with a bug that prevented KERS from functioning, this issue has now been ironed out by the new version.


    • Enable/Disable DRS globally
    • DRS disabled within the first 2 laps in a race session
    • Up to 2 detection points
    • Up to 4 activation zones
    • Up to 2 block zones where the usage of DRS is permitted
    • Free usage of DRS in practice, qualyfication and warm-up
    • Usage of DRS only within the activation zones if the car was within 1 second to the competitor in front at the detection point
    • Visually switch the rearwing when activating/deactivating DRS (Depending on the used mod)
    • Enable/Disable KERS globally
    • Control the strength of the KERS “effect”
    • Control how long the much extra power is available per lap
    • “Recharge” the battery when driving over the start/finish line
    • When the battery is empty, KERS can’t be activated for the rest of the lap
    • All performance relevant settings are configured using the RFM-file of the mod. That ensures that somebody who accidently modified settings in that file will get a mismatch error when joining a gameserver.
    • Other settings (like key assignments) are store in a simple configuration file along with the program.
    • Forces the drivers to use only original ISI software. Patched or cracked rFactor installations will not work with rF_HighVoltage!

Below is a video tutorial to show of the functionality of this impressive tool, rF_HighVoltage is highly adjustable and allows users to define their own rules for KERS & DRS usage.

[boxdownload]Download rF_HighVoltag Kers & DRS for rFactor 1.1 Here[/boxdownload]

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