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Retro Pack for RACE07 – More On The Hillclimb Mode

Retro Pack for RACE07 – More On The Hillclimb Mode

Back in April, Simbin announced the Retro expansion pack for RACE07 that will not just add a string of historical racing cars to the title but also introduce a all-new game mode – Hillclimbs.

The pack will include a fictional hillclim stage in the Alps, making RACE07 the first gMotor 2-powered title to offer point to point racing. Unfortunately, implementing the new mode has required more development time than initially planned, causing the studio to postpone the release that was planned for late April.

While no new details regarding a release date are available yet, Simbin’s Jay Ekkel has revealed some interesting details on how the new mode will work in game:

Both MP and SP will overal display the same gameplay, we have implemented the staggered release but not a 10 or 30 seconds release gap. Imagine a field f 24 players and the last guys has to wait 24x 10 seconds = 240 second he has to wait for 4 minutes before he can do his run, i know for a fact it would be stretching my patience a lot.

Cars can be visible (as ghosts) or not pending on your visual settings you choose.

Timing screens have changed to such extend that for people waiting in line can see how good of a start their competitors make (in seconds) so the start of your run will be very important you can win but also loose the race there already…

The new feature is currently still being worked on as Simbin wants to make sure that the new mode works flawless, stay tuned for more on the Retro pack!

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