Simbin has released the third Q&A with Diego Sartori as more and more info on their new RaceRoom Racing Experience title is revealed.
In this Q&A, Diego reveals that the title will come with a multiplayer mode, explains real time leaderboard feature and talks about cheat prevention.
Furthermore, two new previews have been released, showing off the aforementioned leaderboard and some new gameplay footage.
Will RaceRoom Racing Experience have multiplayer or is it a hot-lapping game only?
RaceRoom Racing Experience will absolutely have multiplayer, and it will also have a feature rich single player experience where the player can take part in races against the AI, using either a classic AI solution or our new Adaptive AI that on a per race basis adapts to the performance of the player.
So to be clear, RaceRoom Racing Experience will be a lot more than just hot-lapping, but even the hot-lapping we have decided to make a connected experience, rather than a solo play type experience as it has been in the past.
This we do through the use of the In Session Real Time Leaderboards, this feature will show the players actual position on the Leaderboard as the player completes a lap, in other words, the player can see their position improve or drop on the Leaderboards as they put in their hot laps.
Are there any new game modes such as career?
There are new games modes yes, but not a career mode as such. RaceRoom Racing Experience is based around an online community platform where each player has their own persistent profile. With this approach, playing the game becomes your career and we think that is a more valid form of career than an “artificial” one dictated by the game.
Championship and single race game modes are not new, but we have made new additions to the two game modes worth mentioning.
Multiclass racing (will also be available for multiplayer) is now handled in a way where the winner of each class is celebrated/awarded as victors. In earlier games also featuring multiclass racing the game would only celebrate the overall winner and that we found was not consistent with how multiclass racing works in real life racing scene.
Another new addition is the Adaptive AI that has been introduced in order to prevent the player ever outgrowing the game.
Our Adaptive AI works in a way where the AI performance adapts to the performance of the player on a per race basis, so if you do a race with the Aquila at RaceRoom Raceway and perform a lap-time of 1,30 then the AI strength will be built from that value the next time you do a race with that combination of car and track. If you improve your lap-time at the next race, then the AI will adapt to that new performance for the race after that.
So, this is not the old classic in race rubber band type of AI.
Apex Hunt, another new game mode, is designed to serve two purposes. At first it is a learning tool the player can use to learn the layout of new tracks, as with any type of game map knowledge is key, and in a racing game track knowledge is key as well. That is what Apex Hunt is designed to provide, the needed track knowledge.
The game mode is created around the race-line and ghost from Leaderboard Challenge, plus the addition of Apex Markers. These are placed on entry, at the actual apex and at the exit, and are clearly visible and placed in a way that will get you safely around the track.We are acutely aware that the apex’s and the lines that we present may not be the lines a given player ends up using once they have become comfortable with a track how their driving style applies to it.
It is however a good start and will allow the players to get all important track knowledge a lot faster than without a feature like this one.
Have you done anything to prevent cheating in contests?
Yes, a lot is done to prevent cheating, and it is the key for us to try and keep the cheaters in check. Sadly we also know that this is a never ending battle and our measures will be exploited, new measures introduced, new exploits and so on and so on, we will work hard to keep the integrity of the Leaderboards, competitions and of course multiplayer races.
Detailing exactly what we are doing however is not going to happen, we believe those details are best kept to ourselves.