Simbin has launched the first stage of multiplayer testing of their RaceRoom Racing Experience / DTM Experience titles as Simbin’s closed beta testers are the first who are given access to the alpha of the multiplayer functionality.
All Simbin beta testers who have access to the WIP version of R3E in their Steam library can now give the multiplayer feature a first try.
– We will continuously monitor the activity, server load and traffic and we will patch the game with fixes accordingly. So things might go on maintenance every now and then without any announcement.
– Servers will have variety of parameters enabled or disabled for testing purposes. Some may or may not have mechanical damage, some may or may not have cut track rules for instance.
– In the WIP, we have removed pretty much everything except MP Alpha to encourage everyone to test MP only. Don???t be alarmed when you see everything else missing.
– DTM Experience is unlocked for free in WIP.
– While this is for testing, please remember and try to have clean race sessions. There is no need for griefing. We have wrecker prevention ON but it can???t stop every occasion.
– Server will appear red if it???s in race session or if it???s transitioning between sessions.
– You can only join a server during practice and qualifying.
??Known Issues: ( You don???t need to let us know about these).
– Race Results might be inaccurate as server currently does not take overlaps into account.
– There is a chat button in garage menu which is not functional. In-game chat works though. Check options for the chat keybind (default is ???c???).
– Laptimes might be slightly inaccurate and might affect the end result if the difference between 2 opponents are within??few milliseconds.
– Collision is still in the works and continuous collision might result in unexpected behaviour.
– Game might crash while watching a MP replay. Well it might crash during gameplay as well but those you should definitely let us know about ????
– You might see??the same player name multiple times on your position bar and timing screen at times.
– Joining and loading in while the server is transitioning from practice to qualify, or from qualify to race, might kick you out without a message and you might get stuck on car selection screen. If this happens just back out and re-enter DTM Experience.
– Players secure a slot on a server as soon as they click ???GO RACE??? ??and select a car. However in the server browser, currently the server player count shows players that are physically inside the track. Player count doesn???t update until a player finished loading and present on the track. So server might be full even if shows slot available.
– Lag spikes may occur when a new player joins.
– Spikes may occur when side overlays pop in during gamepplay.
– Position bar may glitch when someone leaves the race.
– Novice mode currently does not run with automatic gear.
– Players with unstable connection or latency might warp around a bit.