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R3E – Sachsenring Preview With Alex Hummler

Sector 3 Studios have released an extensive preview video of an upcoming track addition to their RaceRoom Racing Experience title, the German Sachsenring.

Sector 3 Studios have released an extensive preview video of an upcoming track addition to their RaceRoom Racing Experience title, the German Sachsenring.

The new track is introduced by its creator, Alex Hummler. rFactor users will most likely be more familiar with Alex’ pseudonym Com8, the name under which he released plenty of amazing modding tracks before making a profession out of his hobby.

The video includes plenty of preview material on the new track including some moving footage of the East German venue, R3E is the first title to feature the challenging track that is always living in the shadows of the more popular German tracks such as Hockenheim or the N??rburgring.

Speaking of German tracks, Alex also reveals that he’ll soon start working on a “longer German track”. Any guesses what that might be?

RaceRoom Racing Experience can be downloaded for free??here.

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