While Fanatec & Thrustmaster keep pushing each other to new innovations and have introduced interchangeable wheel rims for their top products, Logitech users still have to deal with their standard equipment.
But thankfully, there’s the sim racing community that pushes further than Logitech – The newest example is simulaje’s quick release mechanism for the Logitech G25 & G27 wheels.
The system allows Logitech owners to use all kinds of aftermarket wheels on their G25/G27 base. Below are some very neat looking examples to inspire you, made by Rino Demeulemeester.
The quick release system sells for 90??? + shipping, consisting of two parts – one that is being put on the wheel and one that is put on the rim. Pieces for additional wheels sell for 55???
You can find an installation video below, more info can be found on the simulaje’s website.