Following the beta version that was released last October, feels3 has released the 1.0 version of his Putnam Park track for rFactor 2.
The new version comes with plenty of bug fixes and new features as listed below, please make sure to remove the past version before installing 1.0.
– trees: ??improved textures and shader settings, added 3d trees
– improved terrain textures
– new detail texture for road surfaces
– ambient occlusion added to main building and garages
– new custom textures for Real Road
– added 3d crowd
– new cars
– improvements on trackside objects
– fixed reflections flickering
– fixed issues in GDB files
– fixed garage doors issue
– fixed shadowgroups and visgroups
– (hopefully) improved performance
The 1.87 mile Putnam Park track is a popular club racing facility in Indiana, hosting plenty of events and test sessions. rFactor users are probably already familiar with the track thanks to GMT???s version that was released back in 2008.
[boxdownload]Download Putnam Park for rFactor 2 1.0 Here[/boxdownload]