The soundtrack of Slightly Mad Studios’ best-selling Project CARS title is now available for purchase on iTunes!
Composed by Dr. Stephen Baysted, the Project CARS soundtrack consists of 12 tracks created specifically for the WMD-powered racing title.
“Like all authentic racing simulation titles, there is no music during gameplay; car engines always take precedence,” Baysted explained.
“My job as composer is to try to enhance the player???s sense of immersion in this world of racing and deepen their emotional and psychological responses to it by ???preparing??? them for the race. The music in the menu system is therefore dramatic, gripping, epic, gladiatorial and is infused with race day sounds – cars, crowds, tannoys – so that it links directly to the sound world they will be exposed to whilst racing. It tries to get inside the head of the racing driver and represent the range of emotions they feel – fear, excitement, nerves, adrenaline pumping, and danger. Imagine what it is like driving at Le Mans at 330 kph in the dark as you slice your way through traffic! As a result, it???s a varied score and reflects many facets of motorsport.”
The soundtrack is now available on iTunes, selling for $9.99 for the complete album or 99 cents for individual tracks.