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Project CARS – Junior Build 189 Available

Slightly Mad Studios has released the newest development build of their WMD-powered Project CARS title.

Slightly Mad Studios has released the newest development build of their WMD-powered Project CARS title.

Since this is the first build of April, it’s available to all Junior members as well, meaning that everyone can sample all the latest additions & improvements to Project CARS for just 10???.

The content added to Project CARS since the last Junior build includes two brand-new cars and no less than 12 new tracks to experience. That also includes a brand new track for Team Members and above as build 189 introduces a first version of Brno!

Build 189 (6/4/12, Junior Member+)

  • Further tweak to camera behaviour when world movement is off
  • Fixed tire materials (wrong textures assigned)
  • Moravia autograss added
  • Formula A: added contest winning liveries
  • New Asano X4 export
  • New Monterey export
  • New Moravia export
  • New Sakitto exports
[/listfeature] [toggle title=”Click Here To View The Changelogs Of All Builds Released During The Week”]Build 188 (5/4/12, Senior Manager)
DX11 Commandlist state saving optimisation. (-dx11MT)
(the renderer now correctly tracks state between/during commandlist execution – meaning that we no longer need to save and restore DX11 state, which was adding overhead to each call)
Set G-Force effect default to 60
Add exit to desktop custom message handling to dialogues
All cars: tyre specular textures updated to go with shader changes
Palmer: fixed matellic liveries alpha channel
Palmer: checks/fixes, new light billboards, textured chassis meshes cloned for CPIT
Formula A – LODBs finished
Added track data files for Moravia
Leonus68: review changes + changed driver animations to work with F1_classic rig
HDR Mode text changed to fit column
Loading screen updated to match FE
Can now cycle through all options using TAB
Exit button tidied
New Formula A export
New Palmer JPLM export
New Moravia export
New Sakitto exports

Build 187 (4/4/12, Senior Manager)
Spotlights checked in for Connecticut hill tracks
Gumpert Apollo: damage replacements configured for Ultra detail
Add rgb components for emissive lighting
FormulaA – WIP LOD, A done B almost done
New lightmap setup for self illuminated objects
BAC Mono: enabled custom liveries
Lightmap for the night lighted advertboards
Added TweakIT tool installation/shortcuts
New Asano LM11 export
New BAC Mono export
New GUMPERT apollo export
New Connecticut exports
New Monterey export

Build 186 (3/4/12, Manager+)
Avoid crash when restoring lap section after going off-track when insufficient data points exist
Fix for sun rise and sun set being 180 degress out
Improved the color banding on the adverts
FFB: reduced vehicle tyre force multi and tyre grip multi params to between 10 and 15 % of original values as proposed by WMD members
Kart 1, Formula B animations
Kart 1 physics: Changes to load sensitivity and base grip : Less load sens, less base grip and some speed sens added…. Also some AI grip changes for better turn in
New Cheterfield AIW with new raceline and many corner tweaks to slow the AI karts to aviod going off track
New detail tweaks to the BAC Mono. Weight bias moved to 43/57 some grip increase with speed sensitivity added. Other chassis balance changes to suit the weight bias change
Tyre shaders and material updates on cars; modified tyres shader with fresnel and diffuse reduction
Asano TDX: fixed a typo in the rear slow rebound settings
Skyring texture and shader changes for emissive lights on skyrings at night
TweakIT tool added to the game
New Formula B export
New Leonus F68 export
New Azure Coast exports
New Bologna exports
New Connecticut Hill exports

Build 185 (2/4/12, Senior Manager)
BAC Mono: tire grip bias moves a few % to the rear
Fix for diffuse multipler being applied to opacity as well as colour
FormulaA – WIP LODs
added optional fresnel to overlay.fx
new skyrring textures for Bologna
Lock out tracks not supported based on server versions
Skyrings can now have tweakable emissive lighting
JPLM texture updates
California Highway: new exports


The new build is available for download on the??WMD Downloads Page, new members can??register here.??Since this is a Junior build, all these improvements can be experienced for a one-time price of 10???.

Aside from monthly development builds like this one, Junior members also receive full access to the busy WMD forums where they can follow the development of Project CARS, talk to the developers and help shape the title as it progresses.

For more info on pricing and benefits of membership,??check out the WMD website.

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