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Project CARS – Build 360 Available

Slightly Mad Studios have released the newest weekly build of their WMD-powered Project CARS title.

Slightly Mad Studios have released the newest weekly build of their WMD-powered Project CARS title.

The new build comes with a major new content addition as the Dubai Autodrome, host of the annual Dubai 24 Hours race, has been added to the title.

You can check out a full lap around the circuit at night below, courtesy of AdrianF1. The video shows off a lap in the Pagani Zonda R, showing off plenty of neat night lighting effects and details.

Build 360 (3014:43 30/11/2012/11/12, Junior+)
* Player reset “track clear” distance set at 150m (was 30m).
* Fix for 360 attributes changed callbacks not working correctly
* 360 Host Migration work, Host Migration now working. Roundtrip work, can now enter and leave games and roundtrip to different lobbies etc without crashing
* Xbox 360 stat submit fix
* Fixed stat flag to correctly contain information about non-default setup in multiplayer races.
* Labels for disconnected participants will not be painted.
* Possible fix for reported tranny whine issues with Ariel Atom
* Milan Short: Add radiotower into master scene
* Milan GP: Add radiotower into master scene
* Milan Short: Add wip big glass grandstand and merge latest TomT stuff
* Milan GP: Add wip big glass grandstand and merge latest TomT stuff
* Milan: Add new textures
* Moravia: Texture update for the tower
* Moravia: Reworked whole pit building, added emmissive
* Moravia: New textures addition
* Heusden: Fixed shadow issues, added part back side of podium building, fixed gaps
* Heusden: Added pitbuildings, assets, bridges
* Azure Circuit: Reworked the whole part below the pitarea, red asphalt, so tobac corner area-piscine-rascasse
* Azure Circuit: Added new textures
* Static Objects: Reduced count of aerial assets
* BMW Z4 GT3: boosted FFB tyre force multiplier. Default setup change for less corner-exit oversteer

The new build is available via the Project CARS launcher that is available on the??WMD Downloads Page

[toggle title=”Click Here for all Build Notes from the past week”] Build 359 (29/11/12, Senior Manager)
* Fixes for dialog instance quad deletion
* Fixed list item colour issues
* Fixed weather text not working in browse screen, incorrect return from a changed GUICareerHelper function
* Updated screenshot code to save to the project documents folder on PC (F12)
* PS3 and Xbox 360 Invitation functionality added. Supported are: accept invite when in-menus, driving, from active and inactive controllers (on 360), join via party (360 only), join via game in progress (360 only), and cross-game boot invite on PS3
* Disconnected participants will be removed from the track
* Code to show the current rain drop levels in tweakit
* Fixed vehicle Ids sent to physics as part of retire/DQ notifications
* New small prototype tire. Street tire design change – similar to the small prototype tyre with some ‘street’ification.
* Wisconsin: Missing viewer static files for night lighting
* Wisconsin: New Dressing + Night Lighting
* Wisconsin: Lightrig Lamp Orange Material file, for wisconsyn night lamps
* Wisconsin: Dressing changes
* Heusden: New texture maps
* Bodywork_carbon runtime shader – adding rain support
* BMW M1: added windscreen banner
* BMW M1: Added custom livery support
* BMW M1: Merged in UV mapped body meshes, updated CPIT body meshes
* JPLM: Adjusted FFB weight (made heavier)

Build 358 (28/11/12, Senior Manager)
* Fixed incorrect login error codes and messages for various login situations
* PhysX objects updates – export files + physics system files
* Derby: Ground Cover files
* Azure Circuit: Textures update
* Wisconsin Raceway: Updated crowds placement
* Wisconsin Raceway: New sitting crowds for stands 8 and 9
* Heudsen: New texture maps
* Milan: Added textures for warehouses and building02

Build 357 (27/11/12, Team Member+)
* Fixed code storing the remote round results from participant finsihed events, which, if combined with large sessions and high latencies, eventually resulted in depletion of the whole array and a crash
* Player participants from disconnected nodes are removed from the race. (Work in progress.)
* Post-race screen will no longer display a zero-time hurry up timer
* Updated collecting of contact points to obtain more exact results for wheel-to-wheel and vehicle-to-vehicle processing
* Updated processing of wheel-to-wheel contacts.
* Cleared leaking textures from dialog manager
* Heusden: Fix for mis-applied test material on grandstand seats
* Milan Short: Add pitwall, update collissions, improve concrete pitlane road texture and merge latest TomT stuff
* Milan GP: Add pitwall, update collissions, improve concrete pitlane road texture and merge latest TomT stuff
* Milan: Update textures
* Milan: Add new textures (pitwall)
* New dynamic brake markers for US tracks
* Eifelwald GP: Scene updates (statics and lights placed)
* Wisconsin Raceway: Textures for the build
* Blimp: Removed said logo

Build 356 (26/11/12, Senior Manager)
* Removed excess carriage return from logging calls to improve log file formatting
* Added basic keyboard shortcut implementation for zoom to selection
* Derby: New Dynamic Advert Panels + fix for Thrustmaster panel – Export files and.xml scene files, .dds textures, .mtx material files, .vhf .xml .meb _dep.xml [/toggle]

Project CARS is coming to the PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3 and Wii U in late 2013.

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