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Pat Dotson Joins Forces With SimXperience

Pat Dotson, creator of the GS-4 Seat, has joined forces with SimXperience.

A few days ago, I posted a story on SRT’s visit to Pat Dotson’s Ultra Force Simulators and their innovative??The GS4 Gaming Seat.

The seat provides motion technology feedback without actually moving an inch thanks to several motors and movable devices. Now, Pat has joined forces with the motion feedback experts at SimXperience.

As an immediate effect, GS-4 customers will receive a free copy of SimXPerience’s Commander Software (SimVibe Edition) coming with virtual dashboard, virtual button box features and customizable “Sim Setup” buttons.

The GS-4 will be fully integrated into the Sim Commander software in the months to come, extending the seat’s features and list of compatible titles. All customers of the seat will be eligible for a free update to the newest version of the software.

You can check the SRT video of Pat’s seat below, the seat sells for $1,775, more info can be found here. For more info on SimXperience and their software check out their website here.

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