This is certainly the most exciting thing I have to announce since the start of this site. Starting with the upcoming April issue, news will be part of AutoSimSport magazine.
The same news that you can check out 24/7 right here will be featured in the downloadable AutoSimSport magazine. Does that mean any change to the site or the news I post? No, not at all but from now on, VirtualR’s content will be available to a much wider audience of sim racing ehtusiasts.
AutoSimSport is the premiere online magazine dedicated to the sport of Simulated Racing. For four years, AutoSimSport has been offering industry-leading content for sim racers, featuring in-depth coverage of the sport of simulated racing. The magazine can be downloaded free of charge at the end of (almost) every other month.
I??m pretty sure that many of you already know ASS. Those of you who don’t should quickly head over to where the latest and all past issues can be downloaded. Every issue is packed with extensive reviews, previews and stories an avid sim racer just needs to know!