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Osella T2R Minichamp 0.7 – Released

Osella T2R Minichamp 0.7 – Released

The Time2Racing Staff and Freezer-2k-DKW have released a beta version of their Osella T2R Minichamp prototype mod for rFactor. Based on the hillclimb Osella PA20s by Paul Pantelimon, this mod brings a full field of Sports 2000 prototypes to race against.

Even if you have tried the hillclimb prototype before, you should definitely try this mod. It comes with completely different physics suited to road racing, and he BMW-powered Osellas are a real blast to drive. The 600kg, Avon-shod cars are extremely nimble and produce a decent amount of downforce. It might be that I have a soft spot for prototype racing, still I think this mod is highly enjoyable.

Since this is still in development, there are no lods yet so you better have a decent system.

Download Osella T2R Minichamp 0.7 Here

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