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Oran Park Laser Scanned 1.1 – Released

Oran Park Laser Scanned 1.1 – Released

Brendan Elliott, Chris Larmour and Brendan Pywell have released a new version of their laser-scanned Oran Park track for rFactor.

Version 1.1 fixes the “sw_pano” error some users experienced and includes some minor model changes. Please make sure to update to 1.1 if you??re racing online to avoid mismatches.

Following the success of his first Eastern Creek release, lots of data about the track has been acquired, using techniques such as Aerial Laser Scanning (LiDAR), Real Time Kinematic GPS, and Robotic Total Stations.

The track has been made using a special edition of Bob???s Track Builder and includes the following features:

  • A track surface that fits to within 2cm of the point cloud data.
  • Terrain that follows the flow of the Aerial data.
  • Walls, fencing and rails that flow with the land.
  • 3d saw toothed ripple strips placed according the GPS-RTK data.
  • Grass, Track Markings, Advertising signs.
  • Hundreds of tyres placed using new String-Object feature to be available in v0.6.
  • Over 100 rubbish bins.

Located outside of Sydney, Oran Park is Australia’s oldest operational circuit and has hosted V8 Supercars, the Superbike World Champiopnship and two rounds of Formula One. The 2.7 km track will be closed in 2009 and demolished though, making room for housing estate.

Download Oran Park Laser Scanned 1.1 Here

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