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Oculus Rift – Racing Game Testing Started

Oculus has started testing their Rift virtual reality headset with racing games.

One of the hottest new things in gaming right now is undoubtedly Oculus Rift, a very promising reasonably priced head-mounted virtual reality headset.

Funded by a Kickstarter campaign that raised $2.4 million and endorsed by high-profile developers such as??John Carmack, Gabe Newell, Chris Roberts, Oculus Rift is bound to take the gaming community by storm.

While first person shooters and other titles are obviously a main market, Oculus is also working on getting the Rift going with racing games as the newest photo shared on their Twitter shows.

The first developer from the racing games world that has confirmed their desire to support Oculus Rift are Slightly Mad Studios as Project CARS is bound to support the new device.

The price for the consumer version of Oculus Rift is planned to be in the 200-300 Dollars range. Are you interested in getting one? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

More on the Oculus Rift can be found on the official website.

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