Com8, Nor and genghis99 have released the Nordschleife 2.2 for rFactor in a surprisingly and rather uncommon fashion. Together with the file, the team states that the development of the track has ended for various personal reasons.
The release statement also says that the group will continue to support the current 2.2 version but is giving the track out to the community. The files are not locked, making the Nordschleife 2.2 pretty much open source.
There has been no word on the GTR2, RACE07 and GTL versions. The definitive way in which the release was announced make it sound like these versions have been scrapped and its up to the community to convert the track.
Compared to the 2.0 version, the new Nordschleife brings plenty of new textures and new variants. Those of you that don’t consider the original track a challenge should try it under wet conditions or the winter – The green hell can get even more hellish.